The evolution of Blockchain technology has been remarkable, from its origins as a distributed ledger technology(DLT) for cryptocurrency transactions to its current position as a critical component of emerging technologies such as NFTs, decentralized economies, and Web 3.0. As a result, Blockchain is increasingly viewed as a leading and disruptive technology that has the potential to change the world for the better. With over 100 private-permissioned blockchains and 50+ layer 1 blockchain protocols, the Blockchain ecosystem and community are attracting more research, investment, and development efforts. By 2026, the blockchain market is expected to reach $68 billion.

For startups and businesses, it is essential to understand the evolution of Blockchain and where they stand in relation to its advancements. This understanding can help them determine their digital transformation path and potential applications of Blockchain in their respective industries.

Blockchain 1.0 focused on cryptocurrencies, while Blockchain 2.0 introduced smart contracts. Blockchain 3.0 focused on decentralized applications, and now Blockchain 4.0 is emerging. It is crucial to understand what this fourth generation of Blockchain has to offer, what it looks like, and what it powers.

The applications of Blockchain 4.0 are numerous and include Web 3.0, the Metaverse, and the Industrial Revolution 4.0. As a result, Agomic Labs, a technology company specializing in Blockchain, can help organizations on their Blockchain journey by providing expertise and guidance on the development and implementation of Blockchain solutions tailored to their specific needs.


Blockchain 1.0 marked the inception of Blockchain technology with its application in recording financial transactions of bitcoins, the first-ever cryptocurrency. The transparency, accountability, immutability, and security provided by Blockchain paved the way for more cryptocurrencies to emerge, and today there are over 2,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation.

The widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies in the mainstream market has been significant, with many consumers and businesses accepting and using crypto-powered digital payments. This trend indicates a shift away from cash-based transactions, with our monetary systems increasingly relying on digital currencies in the future. Economists predict that the future will see a combination of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, central bank digital currencies, and other digital payment systems. As such, it is clear that Blockchain's role in the evolution of financial systems will continue to grow, creating exciting opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.


The introduction of Blockchain 2.0 brought smart contracts into the picture, extending the functionality of Blockchain beyond just powering cryptocurrencies. Smart contracts enabled businesses to automate cross-organizational contracts, allowing autonomous computer programs to execute automatically when pre-defined conditions are met, without the need for middlemen. The tamper-proof nature of smart contracts and their ability to lower costs associated with verification, exception, arbitration, and fraud protection, has made them a popular choice across industries. Additionally, transparent data recording provides the involved parties equal sovereignty over their deals.

Ethereum, a 2nd generation blockchain, has gained popularity as the go-to Blockchain for enterprises in various industries, especially supply chain, logistics, and cross-border payments. Ethereum's ability to fuel smart contract functionality has been instrumental in its widespread adoption. Although Ethereum still uses the Proof-of-Work consensus method, which requires heavy mining hardware and significant resources, it has remained the preferred choice for most 3rd generation blockchains that attempt to match Ethereum's programmability. Despite being a second-gen Blockchain, Ethereum has continuously expanded its offerings to support various industries, including smart contracts, dApps, asset tokenization, DAOs, DeFi, and NFTs. Ethereum's leadership in these areas has allowed it to remain at the forefront of Blockchain innovation.


Blockchain 3.0 ushered in the era of decentralized applications or dApps. These applications, powered by smart contracts hosted on decentralized storage, have a frontend user interface and support various blockchain use cases, including DeFi platforms, NFT marketplaces, crypto loan platforms, and P2P lending, among others. While Ethereum kick-started dApp development, the third-generation blockchain protocols such as Cardano, Solana, IOTA, Nano, and XDC focused on improving mass-level adoption by addressing the shortcomings of second-generation blockchains. These new entrants employ new consensus mechanisms like Proof of Stake and Proof of History to enhance speed, security, scalability, interoperability, and environmental friendliness.

The global dApp market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 51% from 2019 to reach USD 368.25 billion by 2027, thanks to the benefits dApps offer, such as transparency, scalability, flexibility, and reliability. These applications have found applications across various industries, including gaming, finance, lottery, social media, and crypto transactions.

BLOCKCHAIN 4.0 - What’s In There?

Blockchain technology has reached a stage where it is necessary to talk about Blockchain 4.0 despite the third generation of blockchains still being developed. While Blockchain 3.0 was mainly focused on fixing the flaws of second-generation blockchains, the fourth generation will focus on innovation with blockchain. With businesses adopting blockchain technology at a faster rate, we can expect rapid advancements in the blockchain space.

The primary focus of Blockchain 4.0 will be to enhance the blockchain's usability as a business environment for creating and running more advanced decentralized applications. Blockchain 4.0 will prioritize speed, user experience, and usability for a larger audience, bringing blockchain technology to the mainstream.

How can Agomic Labs help you with your Blockchain journey?

Atomic Labs provides end-to-end blockchain development services to assist with your blockchain journey. As Blockchain technology advances to its 4th incarnation, adopting the technology for business use cases is becoming more viable, prompt, and cost-effective. Blockchain 4.0 solutions offer more secure, self-recording applications based on decentralized, trustless, and encrypted ledgers, going beyond automated record-keeping.

The development of cross-blockchain interoperable dApps using advanced APIs on several 4.0-level blockchains through an Integrated Development Framework (IDE) is possible with Blockchain 4.0 ecosystems. However, blockchain transformation for any company is a multi-phase process starting with technical/business needs analysis, consulting, concept development, smart contract development, frontend and backend development, deployment, maintenance, and upgrade.

At Agomic Labs, we offer comprehensive blockchain development services to fulfill your needs. Our developers are proficient in the SDKs, APIs, CLIs, programming languages, and frameworks of all blockchain types, including private, public, and hybrid chains, and 2nd and 3rd generation chains. Our projects extend to the Metaverse and Web 3.0. We offer all-inclusive development services for smart contracts, wallets, dApps, DeFi platforms, NFTs, NFT marketplaces, and anything else related to blockchain.