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Get real-time NFT Alerts on wallets, collections, and the hottest mints.

What is an NFT Price Alert?

NFT Price Alert is one of the best tools for staying up-to-date on the latest NFT prices. With NFT Price Alert, you can set up price alerts for your favourite NFTs to get all the price changes. You will get notified of the NFT price dropping of your favourite NFT collection. Save your time manually watching NFT prices on marketplaces when you can automate NFT price alerts with Agomic Labs NFT Price Alert. You will receive an updated NFT price alert once you sign in.

How do NFT Price Alerts work?
NFT Price Alert tracks the NFT prices in real-time. When the price of NFT changes, you will receive an alert. You can also set up price alerts for multiple NFTs to track the entire market. To get access to Agomic Labs NFT price alerts and NFT price drop alerts, all you need to do is:
Step 1. Sign in to Agomic Labs NFT Price Alerts
Step 2. After signing in, select the blockchain on which the NFT collection you want to track the price is. You get multiple options, including Ethereum, Polygon, flow, Tezozs, Solana, and ImmutableX.
Step 3. Enter the Contract Address of the NFT collection.
Step 4. Enter the Token Id of the NFT you want to track out of the total collection.
Step 5. Now, click on the Get button, and you will get the NFT price alerts of the NFT.

Get NFT Price Drop Alerts in real-time.
Save hours searching on marketplaces and waiting for a suitable collection or a cheap NFT. Receive NFT price alerts and NFT price drop alerts for the platforms including Opensea, X2Y2, LooksRare, Immutable, Solana, and Rarible. With Agomic Labs NFT Price alert, you can easily track when NFT price is dropping and buy the NFTs at a minimal price.

Get NFT Price Drop Alerts in real-time.
1.  Track the prices of NFTs in real-time
2.  Track top NFT traders and best-paid communities' movements.
3.  Receive alerts when an NFT is listed below the Collection floor price.
4.  Create custom alerts when a specific trait or rarity rank is listed below your target price.
5.  Track floor prices per collection and rare traits.